THOMAS International Tests
We offer a set of standard tools for building and developing assessment centers and measuring job competencies, especially the tests approved by Thomas International. Which is among the two largest companies in the world in the field of human resource assessment and is accredited by the British Psychologist Society (BPS) and many international institutes relevant to validity, feasibility, and accuracy.

Personal Profile Analysis (PPA)
The Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) provides a rapid and deep insights into a person’s behavioural preferences and communication style.

You can
- Recruit the right person
- Improve communication
- Motivate and engage staff
- Identify areas for development
- Manage performance

You can
- Measure mental capacity including problem solving and adaptability
- Understand how to develop through training
- Identify potential leaders who have the skills to drive change
- Ensure a person is sufficiently challenged
Aptitude & Ability

General Intelligence Assessment (GIA)
The General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) measures an individual’s aptitude in 5 key areas; Reasoning, Perceptual Speed, Number Speed & Accuracy, Word Meaning and Spatial Visualisation.
Emotional Intelligence

Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue)
The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) measures 15 emotional traits concerning Well-Being, Self-Control, Emotionality and Sociability.

You can
- Understand employees emotions and how they manage relationships
- Recruit emotionally intelligent candidates
- Employ effective communication
- Fine tune their management skills
- Foster engagement and loyalty

You can
- Explore the gap between identity and reputation
- Open channels of communication for improvement amongst teams
- Uncover issues that may be effecting employee performance
- Help increase self-awareness
360 Degree Feedback

The Thomas 360 quickly and easily enables people to gather performance feedback from their managers, colleagues, team members and customers and then compare this feedback with their own perception of their performance.
Workplace Personality

High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI)
The High Potential Trait Indicator (HPTI) is a workplace personality assessment grounded in the ‘Big 5’ model, assessing traits that predict job success and risk for derailment.

You can
- Create/Support Leadership Development plans
- Boost teamwork amongst leaders
- Inform succession planning
- Boost employee engagement with strong leadership
- Add certainty to graduate recruitment
- Retain future stars by developing them